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Know the updated and latest 2GO travel requirements and ferry schedules for 2021. |
DUE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC, travel advisories and restrictions are changing every month. Please check with your destination LGU for the latest travel requirements. Most LGUs require an S-PaSS account and StaySafe.Ph account, you may check our website for the step-by-step guide on how to register for both platforms.
(Updated 08/14/2021) Since the pandemic started, travelers must comply with documentary requirements per the advisories of local government units (LGUs). This is needed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 infection nationwide.
2GO (official name: 2GO TRAVEL) is a transport company that strictly adheres to the government’s mandate requiring travelers or passengers to comply with the health safety protocols upon traveling.
According to their website, “2GO Travel is one of the Philippines' largest premier sea travel providers. The company is operating in 18 ports of call in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.” 2GO has 2,000 outlets nationwide and is a known shipping company in Manila, Cebu, and Zamboanga.
In this article, returning residents, overseas Filipinos, APORs, travelers, and tourists will be able to know the needed documents or requirements upon traveling to different places in the Philippines. This is not only applicable for traveling with 2GO. Anyone who wants to travel via air, sea, or land may check the travel requirements here for the destination of their choice.
You may check the travel requirements and the latest 2GO ferry schedules here before going to your destination (just check on the table of contents to quickly search for the requirements needed going to the destination of your choice):
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Individuals must comply with IATF and LGU guidelines before getting these travel requirements. You should also be responsible for checking additional requirements that might be required to the destination of your choice.
Manila to Bacolod and Cagayan de Oro to Bacolod
Travel Requirements to Bacolod (Negros Province bound):
Returning Residents:
- An electronic or printed copy of the Approved Travel Coordination Permit issued by the S-PaSS travel management system;
- Register with the StaySafe.ph application for contact tracing; and
- Negative RT·PCR test result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) valid for 72 hours from the date of the swab test.
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs):
- An electronic or printed copy of the Approved Travel Coordination Permit issued by the S-PaSS travel management system;
- Register with the StaySafe.ph application for contact tracing; and
- Negative RT·PCR test result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) valid for 72 hours from the date of the swab test.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- An electronic or printed copy of the Approved Travel Coordination Permit issued by the S·PaSS travel management system;
- Register with the StaySafe.ph application for contact tracing; and
- Negative RT·PCR test result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) valid for 72 hours from the date of the swab test.
Travel Requirements to Bacolod City
Returning Residents:
- Negative Swab RT·PCR test or Saliva-based RT·PCR test within 72 hours the time of travel. Saliva test c/o Phil Red Cross only;
- BACTRAC (ONLINE) https://bactrac.bacolodcity.gov.ph; and HEALTH DECLARATION (ONLINE) http://tinyurl.com/bcd inbound
- An electronic or printed copy of the Approved Travel Coordination Permit issued by the S·PaSS travel management system
- StaySafe.PH registration
For issuance of Notice of Coordination from the Office of the Councilor Cindy Rojas and submit the above requirements to spmcindyrojas@yahoo.com.Subject: LSI in __ (Address)
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs) :
- Certificate of Employment or OTI/Business permit for business owners
- Company ID or Government ID
- Travel/Work order from the company, stating the reason and date of travel, duration of stay, means of transportation, and exact destination address in Bacolod City.
- Contact number
- BACTRAC (ONLINE) https://bactrac.bacolodcity.gov.ph
- An electronic or printed copy of the Approved Travel Coordination Permit issued by the S·PaSS travel management system
- Negative Swab RT·PCR test or Saliva-based RT·PCR test within 72 hours from the time of travel. Saliva test c/o Phil Red Cross only
- StaySafe.PH registration
For issuance of Letter of Acceptance from the Office of the Councilor Ayesha Villaflor and submit the above requirements and email to apor.bacolod2020@gmail.com Note: Release of letter of Acceptance will be 2 to 3 days upon submission of complete documents.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs )
- Negative Swab RT·PCR test or Saliva-based RT-PCR test within 72 hours from the time of travel. Saliva test c/o Phil Red Cross only.
- Passport ID with a stamp upon arrival in the Philippines.
- BACTRAC (ONLINE) https://bactrac.bacolodcity.gov.ph
- Contact number and Address in Bacolod City
- An electronic or printed copy of the Approved Travel Coordination Permit issued by the S·PaSS travel management system
- StaySafe.PH registration
For issuance of Notice of Coordination from the Office of the Councilor Israel Salanga, submit the above requirements.
Non Essential Travelers/Tourists:
- Negative Swab RT·PCR test or Saliva-based RTPCR test within 72 hours from the time of travel. Saliva test c/o Phil Red Cross only
- Travel itinerary for the duration of stay in Bacolod City
- Confirmed booking of accommodation in Bacolod City
- Roundtrip ticket/ Travel details
- BACTRAC (ONLINE) https://bactrac.bacolodcity.gov.ph; and HEALTH DECLARATION (ONLINE) http://tinyurl.com/bcd inbound
- An electronic or printed copy of the Approved Travel Coordination Permit issued by the S·PaSS travel management system
- StaySafe.PH registration
Bacolod to Manila
Travel Documents are NOT REQUIRED.
Manila to Iloilo and Cagayan de Oro to lloilo
Travel Requirements to Iloilo (Province bound)
Returning Residents:
- Negative RT·PCR test result not earlier than 72 hours before travel
- Notice of coordination (NOC) with the City/Municipality
- Valid government to with proof of residence
- Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S-PaSS. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port.
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs):
- Travel Order
- Travel Itinerary
- Valid Government ID
- Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S·PaSS. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- RT·PCR Negative Result and quarantine as administered by OWWA
- Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S· Pass. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port.
Travel Requirements to Iloilo City
Returning Residents:
- Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S-PaSS. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port.
- Certificate of residency from Brgy. (for S-PaSS).
- Upon arrival at the port, passengers who stay for more than 24 hours shall be subject to Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal (NPS/OPS) RT-PCR swab testing.
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs):
- Those staying in the City for not more than 24 hours must secure a Negative RT·PCR test result showing that the date of specimen extraction/swabbing was made not more than 3 days before the date of travel.
- Upon arrival at the port, a passenger who will stay for more than 24 hours shall be subject to
- Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal (NPS/OPS) RT-PCR swab testing
- Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S·PaSS. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port.
- ID
- Travel Order
- Travel itinerary
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S- Pass. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port.
- Certificate of residency from Brgy. (for S-PaSS)
- Upon arrival at the port, a passenger who will stay for more than 24 hours shall be subject to Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal (NPS/OPS) RT· PCR swab testing.
Non Essential Travelers/Tourists:
- Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S· Pass. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port.
- Copy of hotel or establishment booking
- Upon arrival at the port, a passenger who will stay for more than 24 hours shall be subject to Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal (NPS/OPS) RT· PCR swab testing.
Iloilo to Manila
For Returnings Residents, APORs, and ROFs, registration with S-PaSS is required.
Manila to Dumaguete/Zamboanga to Dumaguete
Travel Requirements to Dumaguete City
Returning Residents:
- Negative RT·PCR result before travel with a validity period of 72 hours from the release date.
- Coordinate with LGUs of final destination or any additional requirement
- Registration with S·PaSS is required
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs):
- Valid ID issued by the respective government agency
- An original or certified true copy of travel authority/order issued by Dept. Secretary or their designated official
- Pass symptoms screening at the port of arrival and in the case of public transport upon boarding
- Strictly comply with the minimum public health standards.
- Negative RT·PCR result before travel with a validity period of 72 hours from the release date.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- Negative RT·PCR result before TRAVEL with a validity period of 72 hours from the release date.
- Coordinate with LGUs of final destination or any additional requirement
- Registration with S·PaSS is required
Dumaguete to Manila
For Returnings Residents, APORs, and ROFs, registration with S-PaSS is required.
Manila to Zamboanga and Dumaguete to Zamboanga
All persons per category are required to register with S-Pass to proceed with their journey.
Travel Requirements to Dumaguete City
Returning Residents:
- Government-issued ID or company-issued ID Card (preferably government-issued)
- Negative RT·PCR (nasal swab or saliva) test result within S·days from the date of the swab test.
Transit traveler bound to BASULTA area:
- Endorsement Letter from a focal person of MILG BARMM to ZCTourism Office.
- Negative RT-PCR (nasal swab or saliva) test result within S·days from the date of the swab test.
- Valid ID
Transit traveler bound to ZAMPEN area:
- Negative RT·PCR (nasal swab or saliva) test result within S·days from the date of the swab t.
- Endorsement Letter from a focal person of end-point destination to ZC Tourism Office.
- Valid ID
Government APOR who are on official travel :
- Valid IDs issued by their respective gov't agencies
- Present an original or certified true copy of travel authority/order issued by the Department Secretary or their designated official.
- Pass symptoms screening at the port of arrival and in the case of public transport upon boarding
- Comply strictly with the minimum public health standards.
ROFs not falling under the assistance of OWWA SWEEPER flights should acquire the ff. requirements:
- Government-issued ID or company-issued JD Card (preferably government-issued).
- Negative RT·PCR (nasal swab or saliva) test result within S·days from the date of the swab.
Non Essential Travelers/Tourists:
- Authority to Enter (ATE) register online (https://forms.qle/sstsBLwVFtWwKMqv8)
- Negative RT·PCR (nasal swab or saliva) test result within S·days from the date of the swab test.
- Round Trip Ticket
- Travel Itinerary in Zamboanga
- Confirmed Hotel bookings
- If the tourist decides to stay more than 5 days, they must undergo an RT·PCT test on their own account.
Zamboanga to Manila
For Returnings Residents, APORs, and ROFs, registration with S-PaSS is required.
Manila to Cebu
Travel Requirements to Cebu Province*
*No RT-PCR needed for Cebu province destinations.
Returning Residents:
- Valid Medical Certificate
- Pass symptoms checking or screening at the point of departure and at the point of arrival
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs):
- A valid Identification card from their respective government agency
- Original or Certified True Copy of a Travel Authority or Order issued by the Dept Secretary or his designated official.
- Passed Symptoms checking or screening at the port upon arrival, and in the case of public transport, upon boarding.
- Strictly comply with the minimum health standards.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- Bureau of Quarantine Certificate
- Passport with an arrival stamp
- ID with proof of residence
- Acceptance letter from LGU
Covered by existing National Guidelines from IATF, DOT and OWWA.
Travel Requirements to Cebu City
Returning Residents:
- Negative RT-PCR test result with specimen taken not more than 72 hours before arrival
- S-PaSS registration to secure a Travel Coordination Permit (TCP) or Travel Pass-Thru Permit (TPP).
Govt APOR on Official Mission or Business:
- Present official government ID.
- Mission or Travel Order issued by the head of the agency.
Private APOR:
- Negative RT-PCR test result with specimen taken not more than 72 hours before arrival
- S-PaSS registration to secure a Travel Coordination Permit (TCP) or Travel Pass-Thru Permit (TPP).
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- Bureau of Quarantine Certificate
- Passport with the arrival stamp
- ID with proof of residence
- Acceptance letter from LGU.
Non Essential Travelers/Tourists:
- Negative RT-PCR test result with specimen taken not more than 72 hours before arrival
- S-PaSS registration to secure a Travel Coordination Permit (TCP) or Travel Pass-Thru Permit (TPP).
Travel Requirements to Lapu-Lapu City
For Returnings Residents, APORs, ROFs, non-essential travelers, and tourists, travel documents are NOT REQUIRED.
Travel Requirements to Mandaue City
Returning Residents:
- Valid ID
- Certificate of Barangay Residency
- Complete address in Mandaue City with contact number
- Must pass symptoms screening at ports of entry and exit
APORs from government agencies and attached agencies :
- Government Issued ID
- Travel Order
- Travel Itinerary
- Must pass symptoms screening at ports of entry and exit
APORs from private establishments:
- Certificate of Employment (COE)
- Work/Travel Order
- Company ID
- Travel Itinerary
- Confirmed Hotel Booking/ Accommodation
- Must pass symptoms screening at ports of entry and exit
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- Valid ID
- Certificate of Barangay Residency
- Complete address in Mandaue City with contact number
- Must pass symptoms screening at ports of entry and exit
Non Essential Travelers/Tourists:
- Government Issued ID/Proof of Identification
- Confirmed Hotel Booking/Accommodation
- Travel Itinerary
- Must pass symptoms screening at ports of entry and exit
Cebu Interports
Returning Residents:
For passengers bound to:
- Zamboanga (refer to Manila to Zamboanga requirements); and
- Iligan (refer to Manila to Iligan requirements), Cagayan de Oro (refer to Manila to Cagayan de Oro requirements), and Cebu (refer to Manila to Cebu requirements).
Registration with S-PaSS is required.
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs):
For passengers bound to:
- Zamboanga (refer to Manila to Zamboanga requirements) and lligan (refer to Manila to Iligan requirements);
- Cagayan de Oro(refer to Manila to Cagayan requirements) and Cebu (refer to Manila to Cebu requirements); and
Registration with S-PaSS is required.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
For passengers bound to:
- Zamboanga (refer to Manila to Zamboanga requirements)
- Iligan (refer to Manila to Iligan requirements) and Cagayan de Oro (refer to Manila to Cagayan requirements); and
- Cebu (refer to Manila to Cebu requirements).
Registration with S-PaSS is required.
Non Essential Travelers/Tourists:
For passengers bound to:
- Zamboanga (refer to Manila to Zamboanga requirements)
- Cebu (refer to Manila to Cebu requirements)
Registration with S-PaSS is required.
Cebu to Manila
For Returnings Residents, APORs, ROFs, non-essential travelers, and tourists, travel documents are NOT REQUIRED.
Manila to Cagayan/lloilo to Cagayan/Bacolod to Cagayan
Travel Requirements to Cagayan de Oro City
Returning Residents:
- Register to S-PaSS or Safe, Swift, Smart Passage and generate "Travel Permit."
- Register to OPCoorS or Online Pre-arrival Coordination System and generate "Confirmation Letter." then contact the barangay in Cagayan de Oro.
- Point of destination for the final coordination process thru https://tinyurl.com/BarangayHotlines
- Register to Higala App or Higa la App Contact Tracing and generate ''QR Code."
Passing through travelers:
- Generated Travel Permit thru S·PaSS.
- Register at Stay Safe Contact Tracing System.
- Register to Traze Contact Tracing System.
Note: Travelers should seek assistance with the LGU point of the destination for guidance with their travel protocols.
Cagayan to Manila
For Returnings Residents, APORs, ROFs, non-essential travelers, and tourists, registration with S·PaSS is required.
Manila to Butuan
Travel Requirements to Butuan City
Returning Residents:
- RT·PCR or Rapid Antigen test yielding negative result test, conducted within 5 days before departure if with travel history from NCR and the provinces of Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal.
- Letter of acceptance from the receiving LGU
- Registration with S·PaSS is required
APORs from National Government Agencies:
- Valid Identification cards;
- Travel Order;
- Travel Itinerary; and
- Pass symptom screening test.
RT·PCR or Rapid Antigen test yielding negative result test, conducted within 5 days before departure if with travel history from NCR and the provinces of Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal.
Additional requirements for work-related travel:
- Letter of acceptance from the receiving LGU
- Registration with S·PaSS is required
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- RT·PCR or Rapid Antigen test yielding negative result test, conducted within 5 days before departure if with travel history from NCR and the provinces of Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal;
- Letter of acceptance from the receiving LGU; and
- Registration with S·PaSS is required.
Butuan to Manila
For Returnings Residents, APORs, ROFs, non-essential travelers, and tourists, registration with S·PaSS is required.
Manila to Iligan
Travel Requirements to Iligan City
Returning Residents:
- Travel Clearance issued by the IMT upon presenting:
- Brgy. Certification of Residency; and
- Valid ID and other pertinent documents.
- Symptoms screening.
- Valid ID; and
- Symptoms screening.
APOR (non-work related):
- Valid Identification cards;
- Acceptance Pass/ Entry Permit issued by the receiving Municipality of the Province of Lanao del Norte (LGU); and
- Symptoms screening.
Note: For all types of individuals coming from high-risk areas based on IATF or identified by the Provincial Incident Management Team (IMT), a Negative RT·PCR result taken at least 72 hours prior to arrival is required. If without a Negative RT·PCR result, they shall be subjected to 14 day home quarantine.
- Registration with S·PaSS is required.
APORs from National Government Agencies:
- Valid Identification cards;
- Travel itinerary;
- Travel Order at the Quarantine Control Points upon their entry;
- Symptoms screening; and
- Registration with S·PaSS is required
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs ):
- Acceptance Pass/ Entry permit before intended return;;
- Negative Swab result is taken at least 72 hours before their arrival;
- Valid ID; and
- Symptoms screening.
- Valid Identification Card; and
- Symptoms screening.
Domestic/Foreign Tourist:
- Valid Identification Card;
- Itinerary of Travel or booking confirmation; and
- Symptoms screening.
Additional requirements for non-residents and domestic/foreign tourists:
If from high-risk areas based on Natl JATF or identified by the Provincial IMT.
- Negative Swab results should be taken at least 72 hours before their arrival.
- Acceptance pass/entry permit from the Municipal Local Government if staying for more than 7 days.
- Registration with S·PaSS is required.
Iligan to Manila
Returning Residents:
- Registration in Traze contact apps is encouraged; and
- Registration with S·PaSS is required.
For APORs and Returning Overseas Filipinos, registration with S·PaSS is required.
Manila to Ozamis
Travel Requirements to Ozamis City
Returning Residents:
- Registration with S·PaSS and StaySafe.ph; and
For passengers bound to Zamboanga, refer to MNL·ZAM requirements.
- Mandatory Rapid Antigen test upon port arrival.
Passing through travelers:
- RT·PCR negative result valid for 72 hours from issuance; and
- Registration with S·PaSS and StaySafe.ph.
National and local government agencies and their attached agencies:
- Identification card (government-issued/company ID);
- Travel Order;
- Travel itinerary;
- Must pass symptom screening at ports of entry and exit; and
- Registration with S·PaSS and StaySafe.ph.
For passengers bound to Zamboanga, refer to MNL·ZAM requirements.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs):
- Registration with S-PaSS and StaySafe.ph
For passengers bound to Zamboanga, refer to MNL·ZAM requirements.
Ozamis to Manila
For Returnings Residents, APORs, ROFs, non-essential travelers, and tourists, registration with S·PaSS is required.
Batangas to Caticlan
All types of passengers are required to register in the QR Code System (https://www.touristboracay.com/) with the ff requirements:
- Screenshot of the OHOC confirmation page;
- Government-issued ID; and
- Travel details and roundtrip ticket, if available.
Registration with S·PaSS is required. For passengers bound to Iloilo (please check the additional requirement of your final destination).
Travel Requirements to Caticlan
Returning Residents:
Negative RT·PCR test result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) with a validity period of not more than S·days from date of extraction EXCEPT the following:
- Authorized Person Outside of Residence as defined under Resolution No. 98-A issued by IATF.
- Passing through travelers, provided must possess an S-PaSS.
- Tourists going to the island of Boracay have separate requirements.
- Returning Aklanon Residents who left the province on an official transaction, emergency, or personal travel.
- Travelers coming from Western Visayas whose point of destination is Aklan mainland only.
- Drivers, helpers of delivery trucks, and vans passing through the Province of Aklan and those points whose point of destination is within Aklan.
Note: Returning residents who traveled outside of Western Visayas for more than 7 days shall be required to submit RT·PCR test result as part of there 2GO travel requirements.
APORs from National Agencies:
- Register to https://www.touristboracay.com/ and select visitor type (APOR-NG).
- Save or print a copy of OHOC.
- Present the following to the port of entry personnel:
- Copy of the OHDC with APOR·NG QR Code
- Valid IDs by their respective gov't agency
- An original or certified true copy of Travel Order/Travel Authority
- Travel Itinerary/Travel details.
Note: Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S·PaSS. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port. Make sure to double check your 2GO travel requirements before scheduling a trip.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs):
- Negative RT·PCR Result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY);
- Quarantine Certification issued by Department of Health or Bureau of Quarantine; and
- Travel Coordination Permit obtained thru S· Pass. Copy of QR code to be presented upon arrival at the port.
Non-Essential Travelers/Tourists:
- Register to https://www.touristboracay.com/, select visitor type (Traveller), and take a screenshot of the OHOC confirmation page.
- Send the following documents to aklantraveller@gmail.com using the email SUBJECT: OHDC·Family Name, First Name;"
- Screenshot of the OHOC confirmation page;
- Phil Government ID;
- Negative RT·PCR test result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) with a date of extraction 5-days to the date of travel; and
- Travel details.
Note: Submit the documents at least twelve (12) hours or more before travel to Aklan.
Caticlan to Batangas
Travel documents are not required for returning residents, APORs, ROFs, non-essential travelers, and tourists.
Batangas to Roxas
Travel Requirements to Roxas
Returning Residents:
- A negative result of the RT-PCR test (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) is not later than 72 hours before travel time.
- An electronic or printed copy of the Travel Coordination Permit by S-PaSS.
Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs):
- Presentation of a Valid identification card issued by the National govt agency.
- Original or Certified True Copy of a Travel Order or Travel Authority.
- An electronic or printed copy of the Travel Coordination Permit by S·Pass.
Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs):
- A negative result of RT·PCR test (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) not later than 72 hours before the time of travel; and
- An electronic or printed copy of the Travel Coordination Permit by S·PaSS.
Roxas to Batangas
For Returnings Residents, APORs, ROFs, non-essential travelers, and tourists, registration with S·PaSS is required.
Manila to Coron
These 2GO travel requirements include other Municipalities in Calamianes (Coron, Culion, Busuanga, Linapacan).
Note: Registration with S-PaSS is required and all passengers bound for Coron, Busuanga, Culion, and Linapacan. Please ensure to immediately coordinate with the Covid19 Emergency Operations Team of your municipality to ensure that you are on the list of the passengers that they will endorse for acceptance.
Travel Requirements to Coron, Palawan
Returning Residents:
- RT·PCR Negative result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) specimen must be extracted within 72 hours before boarding;
- Acceptance Letter from LGU of Destination (only For LGU Culion, Linapacan, Busuanga) Acceptance letter is NOT required for LGU Coron; and
- Valid Identification Card.
Uniformed Personnel, Government Officials/Personnel on Official Business of National Agencies and their attached agencies:
- Symptom Screening at the port upon arrival and in case of Public transport, upon boarding;
- Valid IDs issued by their respective government agency;
- Original or Certified True Copy of Travel Authority/Order issued by the Department Secretary or their designated official; and
- QR Code from www.corontourism.ph.
Doctors who will render Hospital duty in Palawan:
- RT·PCR Negative result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) specimen must be extracted within 72 hours before boarding;
- Valid Identification Card;
- Acceptance or endorsement from the Chief of Hospital; and
- QR Code from www.corontourism.ph.
Other APORs (Company Employees for work assignment or Official Business Trip):
- RT-PCR Negative result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) specimen must be extracted within 72 hours before boarding;
- Travel Order or Office Order;
- Acceptance Letter from MLGU of Destination;
- Valid Identification Card; and
- QR Code from www.corontourism.ph.
Traveling through Commercial Flight/Voyage not arranged by OWWA:
- RT·PCR Negative result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) specimen must be extracted within 72 hours before boarding;
- Acceptance Letter from MLGU of Destination; and
- Valid Identification Card.
OWWA-arranged Sweeper Flight:
- Symptom Screening at the port upon arrival and in case of Public transport, upon boarding;
- Bureau of Quarantine Certificate/RT PCR Negative Result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY); and
- PCG Arrival form.
Non-Essential Travelers/Tourists:
- RT·PCR Negative result (nasal swab or saliva from Phil Red Cross ONLY) specimen must be extracted within 72 hours before boarding;
- Proof of Booking from Tourism Establishment with Certificate of Authority to Operate by DOT
- Return Travel Ticket;
- Approved Coordination Letter from Receiving LGU; and
- Complete travel itinerary as approved by Provincial Tourism Office (A confirmed travel itinerary from an LGU Licensed Travel and Tour Operator and a Department of Tourism Accredited Local Travel and Tour Operator of the concerned destination shall serve as substantial compliance to this requirement).
Coron to Manila
For Returning Residents and ROFs, registration with S-PaSS is required. For APORs: Mission Order, Official Travel Order, work assignment order, and S-PaSS are needed. Always check with the LGU of your destination for the latest travel requirements and advisories.
2GO Ferry Schedules for 2021
To know more about the latest schedule of 2GO Travel, you may visit travel.2go.com.ph or call our hotline at 02-8528-7000.
Bacolod City to Cagayan de Oro City
The Bacolod City to Cagayan de Oro City route offers ferry trips twice a week: Tuesday (11:59 am) and Friday (09:00 pm). You may also check the specific dates here:
- Jul 06, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
- Jul 09, 2021, 09:00pm (Fri) - St Therese Of Child Jesus
- Jul 13, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
- Jul 16, 2021, 09:00pm (Fri) - St Therese Of Child Jesus
- Jul 20, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
- Jul 23, 2021, 09:00pm (Fri) - St Therese Of Child Jesus
- Jul 27, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
- Jul 30, 2021, 09:00pm (Fri) - St Therese Of Child Jesus
- Aug 03, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
- Aug 06, 2021, 09:00pm (Fri) - St Therese Of Child Jesus
- Aug 10, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
- Aug 13, 2021, 09:00pm (Fri) - St Therese Of Child Jesus
- Aug 17, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
- Aug 20, 2021, 09:00pm (Fri) - St Therese Of Child Jesus
- Aug 24, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
- Aug 27, 2021, 09:00pm (Fri) - St Therese Of Child Jesus
- Aug 31, 2021, 11:59am (Tue) - St Leo The Great
Manila to Cebu City
The Manila to Cebu route offers ferry trips four times a week as follows: Friday (09:00 am), Sunday (9:00 am), Monday (8:00 pm), and Wednesday (09:00 pm). You may also check the specific dates here:
- Jul 02, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Jul 04, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 05, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Jul 07, 2021 09:00pm (Wed) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 09, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Jul 11, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 12, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Jul 14, 2021 09:00pm (Wed) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 16, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Jul 18, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 19, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Jul 21, 2021 09:00pm (Wed) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 23, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Jul 25, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 26, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Jul 28, 2021 09:00pm (Wed) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 30, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 01, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 02, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 04, 2021 09:00pm (Wed) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 06, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 08, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 09, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 11, 2021 09:00pm (Wed) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 13, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 15, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 16, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 18, 2021 09:00pm (Wed) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 20, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 22, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 23, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 25, 2021 09:00pm (Wed) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 27, 2021 09:00am (Fri) - Saint Francis Xavier
- Aug 29, 2021 09:00am (Sun) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 30, 2021 08:00pm (Mon) - St. Pope John Paul II
Cagayan de Oro City to Cebu City
The Cagayan de Oro to Cebu City route offers ferry trips twice a week which are as follows: Tuesday (2:00 am) and Friday (02:00 pm). You may also check the specific dates here:
- Jul 02, 2021 02:00pm (Fri) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 06, 2021 02:00am (Tue) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 09, 2021 02:00pm (Fri) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 13, 2021 02:00am (Tue) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 16, 2021 02:00pm (Fri) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 20, 2021 02:00am (Tue) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 23, 2021 02:00pm (Fri) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 27, 2021 02:00am (Tue) - 2GO Maligaya
- Jul 30, 2021 02:00pm (Fri) - 2GO Maligaya
- Aug 02, 2021, 11:59pm (Mon) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 06, 2021, 11:59am (Fri) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 09, 2021 11:59pm (Mon) -St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 13, 2021, 11:59am (Fri) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 16, 2021, 11:59pm (Mon) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 20, 2021, 11:59am (Fri) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 23, 2021 11:59pm (Mon) -St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 27, 2021, 11:59am (Fri) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Aug 30, 2021, 11:59pm (Mon) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Sep 03, 2021 11:59am (Fri) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Sep 06, 2021 11:59pm (Mon) -St. Pope John Paul II
- Sep 10, 2021 11:59am (Fri) - St. Pope John Paul II
- Sep 13, 2021, 11:59pm (Mon) - St. Pope John Paul II
Cebu City to Manila
The Cebu City to Manila route offers ferry trips four times a week which are as follows: Tuesday (01:00 pm), Thursday (1:00 pm), Saturday (1:00 am), and Sunday (01:00 pm).
Manila to Bacolod City
2GO ferry trips plying the Manila to Bacolod route are scheduled four times a week which are as follows: Friday (08:00 am), Monday (1:00 pm), Tuesday (11:00 am), and Thursday (10:00 pm).
Note: Details here will be updated once new information is available. For the actual booking of your 2GO ferry schedule, you must go to https://travel.2go.com.ph/. Make sure to prepare your 2GO travel requirements as listed here per 2GO's latest advisories.