ASEAN launches program for young storytellers

ASEAN launches program for young storytellers

ACB is harnessing the power of youth to tell stories from the field about biodiversity, its values, and the numerous ways to protect it. Photo: ACB

The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is harnessing the power of youth to tell field stories about biodiversity, its values, and the various ways to protect it.

The ACB is calling all ASEAN youth to showcase their skills and talents in storytelling through its newest program, Young ASEAN Storytellers (YAS), as an essential part of the bid to highlight what life in harmony with nature would look like.

Twenty aspiring content creators and storytellers from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam will gain hands-on experience in impactful storytelling for biodiversity conservation.

According to Executive Director Theresa Mundita Lim, ACB believes that this generation will carry the torch for our region's future. They see today's youth as more motivated to contribute to the preservation of our planet's rich natural and cultural heritage, which is why they are excited to be amplifying their voices through this program.

Lim also emphasized the significance of the youth's role in connecting with others, owing to their proclivity for using innovative online platforms and their broad reach. These platforms and tools have the potential to cross borders and connect communities across the region in order to find solutions to the numerous environmental challenges we face collectively.

ASEAN youth aged 18 to 35 who are adventurous, passionate about nature, and good storytellers are encouraged to join YAS. This new program welcomes stories created through photography, writing, art, filmmaking, or other forms of creative storytelling and idea transmission.

Young aspirants can look forward to a plethora of exciting opportunities. Aside from the grant, they will participate in a series of learning sessions with biodiversity and storytelling experts before embarking on an immersive trip to the region's 'creme of the crop' protected areas–the ASEAN Heritage Parks. The YAS will then develop compelling biodiversity stories to be shared across multiple media platforms.

Applications are being accepted until March 31, 2022, with results expected in May.

The European Union (EU) supports the YAS programme through the Biodiversity Conservation and Management of Protected Areas in ASEAN (BCAMP) Project, as well as the ASEAN-Germany Biodiversity Cooperation through the Second Phase of the Institutional Strengthening of the Biodiversity Sector in ASEAN (ISB II) Project and the Small Grants Programme (SGP).

Visit the YAS and AYBP websites for more information: Young ASEAN Storytellers (YAS) | AYBP ( (ACB)

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