Cabayongan Bridge retrofitted to boost resilience against adverse weather

Cabayongan Bridge retrofitted to boost resilience against adverse weather

DPWH–L2DEO retrofitted the Cabayongan bridge to make it more resilient to changing climates and weather events. Photo: DPWH-8

The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) – Leyte Second District Engineering Office (L2DEO) has completed a retrofitting project on the Cabayongan bridge to strengthen the structure and make it more resilient to shifting climates and adverse weather events. 

The Cabayongan River's surge frequently affects the bridge, making the project especially important.

The installation of carbon fiber sheets and plates on the reinforced bridge structure was part of the Php 9.55 million project. This carbon fiber repair technology is a new type of structural reinforcement that adheres carbon fiber to the surface of structural components using high-performance resin adhesive, improving their bearing capacity and overall strength.

In addition to the carbon fiber reinforcement, the bridge road surface received 1,107.94 square meters of bituminous and emulsified asphalt and reflectorized thermoplastic pavement markings. This will improve the road surface's safety and durability.

The Cabayongan bridge, which connects the towns of Dagami and Pastrana, is located near Jaro's public market. 

DPWH-L2DEO maintains a total of 55 bridges along the national and secondary roads of the second district of Leyte. This retrofitting project's completion demonstrates the DPWH-L2DEO's commitment to improving infrastructure and ensuring the safety of the communities it serves. 

The use of cutting-edge carbon fiber technology will make the Cabayongan bridge more resilient to climate change and extreme weather events, ensuring that it remains a dependable and safe passage for many years to come.

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