City gov't shuts down illegal markets, transfers vendors to new location

City gov't shuts down illegal markets, transfers vendors to new location

 The City Government takes decisive action and orders the closure of illegally operated markets in Tacloban City due to violations of revenue and building codes. Vendors are given a grace period to relocate to a new market location, ensuring compliance with city regulations.

TACLOBAN CITY – The City Government has taken action against illegal market operations to uphold city regulations and ensure public safety. The task force comprised of the Business Permit and Licensing Division, the Office of Market Operations, and the City Engineer's office ordered the closure of the "Talipapa" at Brgy. 60-A, B, and C Market on Thursday, July 27, 2023. 

The market hosted around 24 fish and vegetable vendors who were found to be operating without the necessary Mayor's Business Permit and Building and Occupancy permit, as mandated by Ordinance No. 99-58.

Popoy Mojades, on behalf of the market occupants, appealed for a grace period until Sunday, which the task force granted. However, starting Monday, the closure order will be fully enacted. To accommodate the evicted vendors, they will be transferred to the Kadiwa Market along Magallanes, as announced by acting Market Superintendent Danny Alajas.

Similarly, on Monday, July 17, the task force comprising the Business Permit and Licensing Division, Tacloban City Police Office, City Engineer's Office, and Office of Operations of the Market shut down 33 stalls at a "Talipapa" in Barangay 62-B Sagkahan.

The closure was due to violations of the Tacloban City Revenue Code, Ordinance Number 99-58. Before the clampdown, the stall owners were issued multiple notices but failed to comply with the regulations. Additionally, the market's location posed traffic hazards, further complicating the processing of permits, as the lot was owned by the National Housing Authority.

Acknowledging the vendors' request for a grace period, the task force allowed them to fully sell their goods until Tuesday, July 18, to recoup their capital. Following the extension, authorities will block and post in the area to deter vendors from resuming illegal sales.

The City Government, through the Office of Operations of Market, assured the evicted vendors that they are welcome to relocate to the five public markets operated by the city, ensuring a legal and regulated marketplace for all vendors and customers alike. —iTacloban (Source: CIO)

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